About e-Motive Media Ltd

Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens, the e-Motive Media cat
e-Motive Media Limited is a web, marketing and consultancy agency based near Maidstone, Kent, UK, specialising in accessible, responsive WordPress websites.
The company got started in 2006 when director Faye Upton was gainfully employed as a Web Producer elsewhere – and kept being asked to build websites for friends, acquaintances and colleagues!
Faye left that job in 2009 to pursue the business full-time. e-Motive Media became e-Motive Media Limited, a limited company, in 2012.
We make no secret that we’re a small company with a select group of clients – most of whom we’ve been working with for many years, over multiple redevelopments and relaunches. All of our business comes via word-of-mouth, and we’ve come to specialise in business-to-business publishing, although we do work in other sectors too.
We build sites almost exclusively now using WordPress, which has come a long way to become the overwhelmingly dominant content management system in use on the web today since we first began using it in 2008. It’s user-friendly for non-technical users, but almost infinitely versatile as a platform for any kind of development or functionality you might want – whether through free plugins, premium plugins, or custom development.
We’ve also developed our own proprietary solutions over the years, including applications for subscriptions, event registrations, conference, charitable donations, online shops, and many more.
Contact us
If you have a website that needs a redesign, a new application you want to develop, or an exciting idea that needs a web presence, give Faye a call on 07921 184734 or email us at info@e-motivemedia.com.